Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


Teman, sering kita menyebutkan seorang "teman". Apakah menurut kalian arti teman itu? Teman... Teman adalah seseorang yang pasti akan membuat kita ceria, tanpa teman mungkin kita tidak bisaa hidup. Teman beda dengan sahabat. Sahabat adalah teman yang paling baik diantara teman yang paling baik, itulah sahabat.... mereka bisa menerima sifat baik & buruk kita, selalu menemani kita disaat senang maupun sedih... Sahabat seseorang yang bisa menjadi tempat curhat sekaligus setiap kita merasa kesal dan senang. SAHABAT itu SANGAT PENTING. Mungkin, ada dari kita yang gak mementingan perrsahabatan.. 

We shared smiles..
We wiped the tears..
and through the years..
Our friendship has grown..
along with us..
You are trully
a wonderful part of my life...

Best Friends....
I'll always be beside you  until the very end, wiping all your tears, being your bestfriends. I'll smile when you are smile and feel all the pain you do, and if you cry a single tear,  I promise I'll Cry too.

Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive. Not how you listen, but how you understand. Not how you see, but how you feel. Not how you let go, but how you hold on!

Dear BestFriends..
You're stupid. You fail. you're weird. You're not perfect. But, that's okay. I'm like that too. We laugh at the randomest things. You know my ugliest side. Even tough we disagree sometimes, we never fight. When i'm sad, you were always there to make sure I'm Okay. Thanks for being there for me. I LOVE YOU

Best Friends Are What You Need Most


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